Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industry

Hardly is in any other branch the international competition as great and therefore also the danger higher, that one is “overtaken” by competitors. The technological advances force companies in this branch to constantly be up to speed and to invest in research and development continually. It is essential to improve production and sales procedures, to increase […]
Construction Industry

In Serbia and Central and South Eastern Europe we work with construction companies and concerns as well as the plant engineering industry. Specific questions which arise in connection with foreign operating establishments (construction sites) can be addressed by us from different perspectives. If you have a specific question relating to international tax law, for example, […]
Commerce & Mechanical Art

The majority of Serbian companies are active in the trade and crafts sector. These groups are professionally very diverse and cannot be considered as one group. Every handcraft has its own challenges, which require branch-specific support and individual solutions which our specialists can provide. In the trades and craft sector, the majority of companies are […]

Now is a time in which the modernisation of old powerplants is actual plan in all countries. Due to the increased needs in electricity, gas as well as in the heat and water supply, the demands and challenges facing companies in this sector will increase greatly in the future. TPA experts, regularly publish studies which address the energy […]

In all of Europe, an increasing significance is being attached to the health sector. New jobs are constantly being created, for example in order to be prepared for an increasingly ageing population and to be able to supply this market professionally. In the field of preventative health care, the possibilities and challenges for companies have […]
High Net-Worth Individuals

As a wealthy entrepreneur, top-earner or person of independent means, we can advise you on the organisation and development of your assets in order to secure these for the next generations. To find out what is important to you today and what will be important in the future we will listen carefully to you. Together […]

A holding company or a holding organisation is common organisational form in practice which is, however, not a legal form in its own right. The larger the group of companies, the more probable it is that the companies in this form are connected to each other. In recent years the topic of holding companies has […]
Hotel, tourism and leisure

The hotel and gastronomy sectors have to react quickly to new customer habits. Customer trends have to be analysed quickly in order to be in a position to adapt promptly to the changing market and competition conditions. TPA has advised, for many years, companies in tourism, the hotel industry and the gastronomy sector with success. As […]